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Paramotor Tandem Trainee Clinic

Sharing the Friendly Skies with Others


PPG Tandem TT Clinic
$400 - Not Available Now



USPPA Powered Paragliding Tandem Trainee's Clinic: Fri-Sun, Sept 25-27, 2019 during the Endless Foot Drag Fly-In with Francesco De Santis and Chad Bastian.

The Tandem Instructor Rating is regarded as the highest rating a pilot can achieve according to our organization. Tandem Instructors represent our sport to the general public where our actions here are highly scrutinized as well as experienced asnd enjoyed by the tandem student passengers!

It provides an excellent and safe instructional opportunity for students and is worth preserving. Abuse, like advertising it as a way to give “joy rides” for pay will likely get the ability to do this revoked again. Flights tandem flights must ONLY be instructional in nature.

The program provides reasonable guidelines for those aspiring to give tandem instruction, reflecting the current state of wheel-launch. It is based on having the tandem pilot learn using a qualified PPG pilot as "passenger" before setting out with new students.


There is a Tandem Trainee (TT), Tandem Instructor (TI) and Tandem Administrator (TA).

The goal of this clinic is to certify Tandem Trainee Pilots. A Tandem Trainee, once signed off, will only fly with qualified pilots (see below) to accumulate the flight requirements necessary to proceed to Tandem Instructor.

Tandem Instructors have the authorization to take up students, including those with no experience, on training flights for hire.

Tandem Administrators are experienced tandem pilots approved by the training committee to administer the Tandem program.

A qualified pilot is one of the following: 1) USPPA/USUA PPG2 or higher, 2) USHPA P2 or higher.

USPPA Tandem Wheeled Ratings: Pilots wishing to be able to teach Wheeled Launch techniques in a Tandem Trike must first get their PPG1, 2 & 3 and Instructor ratings for Wheeled Launch.

Included Clinic Subjects:

  • Passenger briefings and paperwork
  • Preflight checklist
  • Launching and landing techniques
  • Seating the passenger and assuring their comfort
  • USPPA Rating Program and Flight Requirements (PDF)
  • FAA Tandem Exemption and what it means
  • Proper equipment and attire
  • "Wild Card" scenarios - what might happen while performing PPG Tandem Flights
  • Wheeled Launch Tandem Techniques


PPG Tandem Trainee Clinic
Register Now!



Tandem Trainee (TT)

This form of flying takes place between a qualified USPPA instructor and consenting qualified pilot. This rating can be given by Tandem Instructors after administering the written examination and witnessing the proper flight skills utilizing the designated launch method. No remuneration is allowed for flying done by a TT. Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Current USPPA Instructor, FL for tandem FL and WL for tandem WL.

  2. Minimum 100 flight hours or 300 flights of logged incident free airtime hours on a powered paraglider.

  3. The applicant must have logged at least 100 solo or tandem launches.

  4. (FL) Ability to consistently perform zero-wind and light-wind landings culminating in the slowest possible ground speed at the moment of the flare and when the pilot's/passenger’s feet first contact the ground.

  5. Candidates will have a reputation/ history of being appropriately conservative, safe, and highly skilled pilots with judgment commensurate with the task of 2-place operation.

  6. At least 1 logged tandem flight as a passenger with a Tandem Instructor (TI) or Tandem Administrator (TA).

  7. At least 5 flights as the flying pilot (from the instructor’s position) with the TT or TA as the second occupant.

  8. Successful completion of a written test administered by the TI/TA.

  9. Successful completion of a Tandem Clinic to be administered by the TI/TA who attests that the applicant meets all requirements. This test/training will include, as a minimum, a passenger briefing, checklist use, and successful tandem launches and landings. The test/training must include:

    For a tandem foot launch (TFL) rating the test must include at least 3 successful tandem foot launches including one in wind less than 3 mph (may be simulated).

This rating is only intended for tandem instructor trainees to build experience. The rating is only valid for 30 tandem flights or one calendar year, whichever comes first but may be renewed by a TA in the case of extenuating circumstances that force the pilot to cease flying activities for a period of time.


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